Leadership is about serving something bigger than yourself.
The world is changing faster than we can change ourselves.
Especially now.
We are living through incredibly turbulent times. It has become clear that the sources of both our dreams and our fears have shifted from the material to the immaterial, and these new sources recognize neither borders, emotions or political persuasion. They can’t be conquered or acquired by traditional armies, traditional education or traditional leadership.
But you can still make a difference.
In fact, your leadership is the only thing that will.
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Mats Lederhausen -
Inspirator, Instigator & Investor
Never before has most of humanity had access to the world’s accumulated knowledge. Almost immediately and almost for free. If you believe, as I do, that most people are good and that knowledge is power, this MUST mean that the opportunities ahead for human flourishing are better than ever before.
I believe in the power of business and free markets as the best way to take us to a better future. But like all institutions, business is also suffering from myopia and the chasing of instant gratification. We clearly live in a short-term world with long-term problems.
I am therefore committed to investing my time, energy, and capital in helping entrepreneurs and business leaders solve important human problems in a long-term way.